Success Story
Audi Boulder
Success Story
Audi Boulder
Situated in Boulder Colorado, Audi Boulder prides itself as one of the best reviewed dealerships in the region. Part of the Kuni Auto Group, Audi Boulder is one of 15 dealerships that span over nine brands and five states.
Sharpening the Competitive Edge
Bryan Feely, Digital and eCommerce Manager at Audi Boulder, is a busy man. As the person responsible for the strategy and the execution of digital marketing campaigns for a busy dealership, he appreciates quality over quantity.
Bryan understood that the more an online car shopper was looking at Audi Boulder’s Vehicle Detail Pages (VDPs) during their visit (compared to other pages), the more interested they were in the cars Audi Boulder had on their lot. This “VDP Focus” was one of the metrics that Speed Shift Media was able to provide Bryan so he can evaluate the quality of traffic being generated.
A Solution That Made Sense
“Speed Shift Media had a cutting edge product that coupled behavioural targeting and dynamic inventory advertising technology. Once it was explained to me how it works, we had to try it. It just made sense”, says Bryan. “I have always been a data-driven guy and if you have data to back up your claim, there’s a good chance that I’ll be interested.”
Speed Shift Media’s Auto Audience Network™ was able to identify local car buyers that were interested in the cars Audi Boulder had in their inventory, then drive those car buyers directly to Audi Boulder’s Vehicle Detail Pages (VDPs) to convert.
Ahead of the Curve
Within the first few months, the quality of the traffic that Speed Shift Media delivered Audi Boulder had already surpassed many other traffic sources.
VDP Focus
More likely to visit a VDP than paid search
More likely to visit a VDP than Facebook
More likely to visit a VDP than organic traffic
VDP Visits
More VDP views per session than Facebook
More VDP views per session than paid search
More VDP views per session than organic traffic