Updates to the Metrics Hub
Message from Steve Kump, President and CTO
We built the Metrics Hub to provide our customers with on-demand reporting that we have historically offered at the campaign month-end. Providing the campaign metrics on-demand gives our customers with convenient access to the data that are important to them. Yes, it is true that on-demand reporting is relatively common in most of today’s network options and our reporting has been available to our partners on-demand via CSV for many years. This updated Metrics Hub, all of our customers, will have access to a platform that will scale quickly to expand the quantity and granularity of data and actionable insights we will provide our customers.
The Metrics Hub provides customers with all of the critical campaign metrics they have come to expect from Speed Shift Media’s previous reporting, now available within an online framework that allows them to make use of the data in a more convenient format. Historical campaign metrics, Google Analytics data, and the popular inventory focused Sales Success reports are all readily available to all advertisers in a single interface. Speed Shift Media customers, will benefit from easy online access to reporting which can be conveniently printed and downloaded at will.
As mentioned and more importantly, the platform sets the stage for rapid enhancements to the available Campaign Metrics, Google Analytics metrics, and enables the addition of our upcoming Inventory Insights and Intender Insights modules. Inventory Insights will expose, in detail, the Significant Actions and VDP and SRP Page View activity generated by Speed Shift Media campaigns on each vehicle in inventory both through direct and indirect shopper engagement. Inventory Insights will explain website activity (user-engagement) during the life of each individual vehicle while in inventory paying particular attention to activity leading up to the vehicle’s sale. Intender Insights provides an equally valuable level of data from the Shopper perspective, detailing aggregated activity per shopper (Intender) as captured within Speed Shift Media’s unique automotive data management platform, the MarketMatch Data Engine. Intender Insights will expose the most active shoppers driven by Speed Shift Media and the resulting actions they have taken, on specific vehicle inventory on the dealer’s website.
All upcoming release will be incorporated within Speed Shift Media’s Metrics Hub and will automatically be added to the available views of the campaign, shopper, and market-related data for all Speed Shift Media customers.
As you start to use the Metrics Hub more, we look forward to your detailed feedback which you can give to our client success team (clientcare@speedshiftmedia.com).