eBook Chapter 2: If you lack experience with creating display ads that deliver results for car dealerships, there are some pointers to help you get started
The following is an excerpt from the recent eBook, How Do You Make Online Display Ads Work for Automotive Dealers, discussing how online display advertising has evolved and is changing the way some auto dealerships and their marketing departments approach online advertising. This second chapter focuses on how display ads affect consumer activity in the big search engines.

Use text content, images and color palettes appropriately as there is a fine line between eye-catching and tacky. The placement and size of your ad will dictate many of the specifics, especially when you consider positioning on the page. You might try creating a variety of templates subbing out different elements to determine which work best.

Try out different ad designs and concepts. There are many elements you can tweak to make the ad layout more appealing or capture attention more effectively.

If you are using animation, make sure you view the final frame to ensure the proper call to action is apparent. Certain “teaser” texts may disappear as the animation moves forward, possibly leaving the prospect confused as to the next step. Also, if you are using Flash animation, place your call to action in every frame of the media. That way, the viewer will not need to wait until the end of the video to click.

If you are using flash animation, beware that not all browsers are capable of displaying flash creative (.swf files). In fact, no Apple mobile devices work with flash. In most cases, the backup for a flash ad is a static gif. However, the best alternative is an ad with an HTML backup. When you are working with a vendor, try to find one that uses HTML backups as a standard.

Especially with respect to automotive inventory ads, using live images vs. stock photos is essential. As mentioned, stock images of vehicles are cold and impersonal, while a true picture of the available car will help make a connection with a potential buyer.