Why Dynamic Creative is Essential in Modern Digital Marketing
If you have a decent grasp of the online marketing techniques that work effectively for your car dealership, you know that delivering relevant content to the proper audience, at the right time, is key to your success. Dynamic creative is a concept that’s relatively new to the marketing tool kit, but it has been experiencing explosive growth and the trend is expected to continue.

Dynamic creative is an important digital marketing tool for auto dealers because it allows auto dealers to customize ads and differentiate the experience for users. It’s been shown to increase the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns and target the proper audiences with precision. Dynamic creative has significant advantages over a non-custom approach, and it is more cost effective. When analyzing the success of dynamic creative within marketing budgets, many companies have experienced staggering ROI.
The Power of Dynamic Creative
The big name ad exchanges have provided online marketers a range of tactics to capture the attention of a very targeted audience of Internet users. An influx of consumer data impacts why dynamic creative is important for digital marketing, as we’re now able to know more about buying habits, trends and purchasing than ever before.
There are thousands of ad exchanges turning a profit by qualifying prospects that fit certain criteria, and then selling that information to car dealerships like yours. Once you have that data in your possession, you can capitalize by seizing the opportunity to draw the consumer to your door. Thus, the latest in online marketing tools has enabled marketers to captivate a qualified prospect at the right time, and the results have been impressive — in both cost-effectiveness and scale.
Dynamic Creative Still Needs the Right Message
The technology behind why dynamic creative is important in digital marketing is meaningless if it doesn’t have the content to support it. Cashing in on dynamic creative means combining the target audience data with a compelling message that pulls them in. When you’re faced with a retired woman living in Chicago who’s shopping for a vehicle, you don’t want to deliver ad content with a BMW M3 convertible.
How Dynamic Creative Works
Without getting overly technical, dynamic creative operates by breaking down an ad into its separate components and developing different content to fit within each piece. The concept is similar to a room floor plan where you can swap out different furniture to get a range of styles. Once you have your ad with its separate puzzle pieces, you add the engaging content. The content will vary depending on what the ad exchange knows about the user, and will rotate according to that data.
The first thing you’ll notice when you look at an ad that has been optimized with this approach is that the message is more specific, and this is why dynamic creative is important for digital marketing. Such an ad speaks to the individual buying a car based upon lifestyle, geographical location and interests, rather than a group of potential auto purchasers. Dynamic creative can be refined to the specific vehicles that the user has been researching – right down to the VIN level.
Another perk of dynamic creative is the ability to locate a user by determining IP address. The technology can let them know which local car dealership features a vehicle, and give them specifics on which models are in stock. The design templates involved with dynamic creative are also flexible and simple, so they enable you to experiment with style and aesthetics. When consulting with an ad exchange vendor, ask about the number of pieces that you can accommodate for a basic layout.
The Bottom Line
The advantage dynamic creative offers to digital marketing is clear, as it’s the best online tool that enables you to deliver on-point content to qualified car buyers at the right time. For your dealership, it’s a necessary component of your online marketing strategy.
If you have any questions about this or any other part of your online marketing activities, please feel free to contact us. We’re always happy to provide a free audit of your current process.